Friday, February 12, 2010

banksy and colum mccann.

via banksyfilm whatever this is, it'll clearly be amazing. i hope it's accessible in the usa before long. i'd love to see it.

i also just finished reading colum mccann's national book award-winning novel 'let the great world spin,' which is published by random house. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. i recommend this to anyone and everyone. i'm currently also reading 'the bonfire on the vanities' by tom wolfe, which is a curious, and completely coincidentally, perfect partner for this book. the new york times review even considered mccann's work to be something of a literary "precursor" to 'the bonfire of the vanities.'

set in new york city in the 1970s, the story revolves around a group of people who are intimately known to one another or hardly know one another at all. relationships, history, love, and the thread of connection that is the man on the tightrope between the world trade center towers. mccann is faultless in his presentation of these characters' stories; they are developed so thoroughly, so carefully, that one wonders if you might actually know them, if you might look them up in the phone book and see what they're doing these days.

i haven't read a book this good in quite a while.

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